Why You Should Think About Heart Attack Prevention

Heart Attack Prevention

Suffering from a heart attack, cardiac arrest, or heart disease are common issues that happen to more people than you may realize. While sudden cardiac arrest may seem like something that happens to people with a specific heart condition, there are risk factors that affect everyone. Even if you think you have perfect blood flow and no risk of heart failure, it's still crucial that you think about heart attack prevention

Cardiovascular Disease is the number one cause of death in America.

One of the biggest reasons to focus on heart attack prevention is how deadly it can be. Blockage of the arteries, heart failure, or sudden cardiac arrest can happen at a moment's notice. Cardiovascular disease is actually the leading cause of death in America. Even individuals who survive cardiac arrest or a heart attack may be left with some disabilities or permanent issues with blood pressure or vital organs. You need to take care of every part of the heart to avoid this high-risk situation.

Heart attacks can strike at any age.

You may think heart attacks primarily happen to the older generation, but that actually isn't the case. You can suffer from sudden cardiac arrest at any age. Even individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s can be at risk for heart failure, cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

Be alert and aware of different symptoms of a heart attack so you can be more prepared. If you're suffering from chest pain, easily feel short of breath, or notice an irregular heart rhythm, these abnormalities may be heart attack symptoms. Other, less common signs may include nausea or feeling lightheaded. Your heart muscle and coronary arteries are constantly working to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout your body, so when that blood supply is threatened or blocked, you may start to experience those issues. The American Heart Association is working hard to help individuals figure out lifestyle changes, medication, and other factors to avoid blood clots and keep your risk of heart attack at a minimum. However, being aware and alert to these issues will help you prevent a medical emergency and make a big difference in your common symptoms or chest discomfort.

You have a lot left to live for.

You may not like to think about unpleasant or scary things like blood clots, high cholesterol, or hospital cardiac arrests. It's scary to worry about your own fatality or what will happen if your heart stops. This is one of the biggest reasons why you need to think about heart attack prevention: you still have so much left to live for. Whether you've dealt with a previous heart attack or have high risk factors, it's important to figure out your heart health for the people in your life and all the things you still want to accomplish.

Remember how you want to walk your daughter down the aisle at her wedding while you're figuring out how to manage your cholesterol. Go check on your irregular heartbeat so you can be sure to be there for your family reunion next year. Invest in that more heart-healthy lifestyle so you can be there for your best friend's next big celebration. You have so much to look forward to in your life. Don't let cardiac arrest or an unexpected heart attack hinder that from happening.

Start taking the steps and seeking medical services to help you prevent heart attacks. Work to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol with steps from your doctor. Make lifestyle changes to quit smoking and reduce your overall stress. These are small steps you can take to help avoid heart malfunctions or coronary heart disease that can lead to a heart attack.

Arash Bereliani, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.C. Beverly Hills Institute For Cardiology & Preventive Medicine

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